The Drop Zone

The Drop Zone
National Skydiving Centre fallskjermidrett

The airfield at Østre Æra is the National Skydiving centre in Norway, owned by the Skydiving sector of the Norwegian Air Sports Association, (F / NLF).
Skydive Oslo has rented and operated this centre for F / NLF since 1991. We skydive every day from the beginning of May to the beginning of September.
Skydive Oslo is located at landfill site that was established by Hedmark power company during the development of the pipeline between Osensjøen and Renaelva in the early 80s.
The surroundings consist mainly of bogs with coniferous vegetation withsome of willow and birch trees.
The area is bounded by Bjørbekken in the west and Jøssåsen in the east. In the agreement with Åmot municipality, F / NLF has no restrictions on the activity either for the time of day or period of the year.
The facility consists of a runway, hangar, skydiving landing area, teaching building, bunkhouse accommodation, campsite communal living area with kitchen and bathroom facilities, caravan park and parking .
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The runway is 600 m long and 10 meters wide with a turning point in the north and south. The surface is asphalt with 2 m gravelly shoulder. Between the runway and the hangar there is a paved area for loading the aircraft. Other airport info can be found here..
Landing Area
North of the hangar and west of the airstrip is a dedicated skydiving landing area, 14,000 metres squared. The area is flat and grassy and in accordance with FNLF’s skydiving handbook.
Mostly, the 910m2 hangar is used for canopy packing and offices for management and NLF. It also includes a kiosk, reception and a store.
Bunk House
The Bunk House is spacious and includes 44 beds over 11 rooms. Every room has four beds and storage space for personal belongings. In addition the Bunk House has an independent storage room for linen and other dz belongings. The Bunk House itself does not have water or plumbing. However, just next door are shower rooms and sauna.
Student Building
The Student Building is spacious with a 512m2 common area. It includes Sanitary Facilities, Sauna, Washing Room, Kitchen and Common Room and Course Classroom.
The kitchen and the outside BBQ area are available for communal use and and should be kept clean and tidy.
The area south of the hangar is for camping and van. There are approx. 100 campers. There is sufficient power supply and possibility for water access in the area. All vans are required to have fire alarms.
Charger Station - Electric Vehicles
Four charging stations have been established at the Drop Zone. These are intended for everyone who comes to the Drop Zone. If you plan to charge often, you can register for a more favorable price.
How to get to the DZ at Østre Æra
Østre Æra is located along the Riksvei 215 (RV215) inbetween Rena and Osen.
Approx 2,5 hours drive from Oslo City Centrum.
Click here for a description link for Google Maps.NLF No Drugs Policy
Skydive Oslo is certified as a No Drugs Norwegian Sports Club. Check out Also check out where all members have access to updated anti-doping information.